We specialize in assisting political campaigns, including small to mid-range races, and bond/ballot initiatives with budget development, fundraising, election analysis and voter identification. Typical small to mid-range campaigns include school board seats, city council or mayoral positions, county offices, judicial seats, and state representative seats, as well as school/county/municipal bond elections.

While we share similarities, we are not campaign managers.  Campaign managers handle the day to day operations of a campaign, including scheduling, media relations, coordinating volunteer efforts, phone banking, and many other duties. In small campaigns, your spouse or friend may act as your campaign manager; while mid to large size campaigns may utilize a local manager, hire full time staff, or bring in a turn-key management firm to handle all aspects of the campaign. We offer similar analytics and services that large campaign management firms provide. In larger campaigns we can assist with team development and serve as general contractors directing key aspects of the campaign. We are affordable to small and mid size campaigns because we can provide our services on an as needed basis. We are a valuable resource for both candidates and campaign managers.

Our work enables clients to:

To File, or not to File...

before you decide

Get the facts. Is it a winnable race? How much will it cost to run? What are the oppositions strengths and weaknesses? What is the campaign process like? Are you ready to run? We can help you determine whether or not jumping in makes practical sense.

The Electorate

know your voters

We provide the analytics that will help you understand your specific voter universe and who you need to target in your campaign. With our customized lists and analysis you will be able to identify who your voters are and where they live; from the the district down to the individual precinct level.

Be Effective & Efficient

use your resources wisely

Knowing how to allocate time and financial resources properly is critical to a campaign and important to donors. We can help you develop a strategy and realistic budget on the front end that will guide you throughout your campaign.

Fact Based Strategy

make informed decisions

Our analysis identifies the political landscape, who your voters are, and the best way to communicate with them. We take past voting behavior and consumer data to forecast  election trends. This is key for developing communication strategies and knowing the best time to place a bond/ballot initiative on a ballot. 

We provide the election & voter data, budget analysis, and campaign strategy necessary to build a solid action plan for your campaign. With our services, you and your campaign team will have the resources and knowledge you need to conduct a competitive campaign.